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HomeThailand visa servicesLandlord notification receipt

Learn more about Landlord Notification Receipt

The Landlord Notification Receipt (TM 30) allows a property owner in Thailand to notify the presence of a foreigner (a non-Thai citizen) living in their property. All foreign nationals live in the Kingdom. The visitor or tenant can also apply for the TM 30 document as part of the renewal of his stay or visa, mainly through the TM 30 form. Any person, Thai citizen or foreigner, can notify the foreign visitor within 24 hours. If you need to register the Landlord Notification ReceiptTM30, Master Contract can help you with its network of lawyers and then provide full assistance by providing both: legal assistance and proceeding on your behalf to submit the Landlord Notification Receipt TM30. Any person, Thai citizen or foreigner, must notify the foreigner’s stay within 24 hours.

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What is a Landlord notification receipt (TM30)?

The Landlord Notification Receipt TM30 form is an administrative document that every owner must present to register a foreigner residing in his property within 24 hours. Hotels used to do this registration, but now individuals will also have to do it for short stays and habitual residence. The application of the now famous Landlord Notification Receipt TM30, the notification of place, resulting from Article 38 of the Immigration Law (2522 B.E- 1979), is now strictly enforced.

Who should register the TM 30?

Formally and effectively, the responsibility for declaring a foreigner’s stay lies with the host: the owner of a property, hotel or service apartment. Late declaration of a foreigner can be punished by a fine of 1,600 THB per person (in general, the penalty does not exceed this amount, even if your landlord declares the stay several months too late).

Article 38 of the Immigration Act of 2522 states: “The owner of a house, the owner or possessor of a dwelling place or the manager of a hotel, who takes in as a resident a foreigner who has permission to stay temporarily in the Kingdom, shall notify the competent officer of the immigration office in the locality where the house, dwelling place or hotel is located within twenty-four hours of the foreigner’s move. If there is no immigration office in that locality, the police officer of a police station within the jurisdiction of that locality must be informed.

What documents are needed to complete the Landlord notification receipt?

We recommend that you discuss with your landlord and provide them with the necessary documents to proceed with your Landlord notification receipt TM 30 registration:

➤ TM.30 Application Form
➤ Copy of homeowner's identification card with homeowner authentication
➤ Copy of the house registration book, authenticated by the house owner
➤ Copy of the rental agreement
➤ Copy of the resident alien's passport
➤ The photo and information pages of the resident alien's passport
➤ Copy of the arrival stamp on the resident alien's passport
➤ A copy of the resident alien's TM.6 departure card

In case the owner has entrusted this task to a property manager, a letter is needed to authorize the property manager to declare the Landlord notification receipt TM30 on behalf of the owner, with the stamps of the tax office on this letter.

Where to make the TM 30 notification?

The Notification of Foreign Nationals Residing Abroad form for owners, possessors or proprietors of residential premises (TM. 30), as well as the list of foreign residents living abroad, are available at or upon request from an immigration office.

Send the notification documents directly to the relevant immigration office; Bring the document to be notified yourself or designate another person to advise at the Resident Alien Notification Center (TM.30) Division 2, Immigration office 1, Immigration Bureau, Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary, Chaeng Watthana Road, 7th Lane, Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Lak Si District, Bangkok (during office hours).

Send the notification documents by postal services:

➤ Complete the notification form and indicate the name of the notifier
➤ Place the form in a 6.5*9 inch envelope with a 10 baht stamp attached, address the letter to yourself (the sender/notifier) to return the agent's notification form
➤ Attach the documents in items 1 and 2 to a registration package (keeping the registration form as proof) and send it to the following address: Resident Foreign Nationals Notification Office, Division 2, Immigration Office 1, Immigration Office, 120 Moo 3, Chaeng Watthana Road, 7th Lane, Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Lak Si District, Bangkok 10210

What is the Thai law applicable to the TM 30?

Notifications by traders and businessmen of resident foreign nationals under Sections 39 and 77 of the Immigration Act.

The following Thai laws govern Landlord notification receipt TM30 and its related laws:

Section 38: “The owner of a house, the owner or possessor of a dwelling or the manager of a hotel who takes in, as a resident, a foreigner authorized to stay temporarily in the Kingdom, shall notify the competent official of the immigration office located in the locality where the house, dwelling or hotel is located, within twenty-four hours of the arrival of the foreigner. If there is no immigration office in that locality, the police officer of a police station within the jurisdiction of that locality shall be notified.

If the house, dwelling place or hotel where the alien is staying under paragraph 1 is located in the locality of Bangkok Metropolis, such notification shall be made to the appropriate officer of the Immigration Division.

The notification referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be made in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Director-General.”

Article 77: “Whoever fails to comply with the provisions of Article 38 shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand Baht. If the person is a hotel manager, the penalty shall be a fine of two thousand baht to ten thousand baht.”

Notification of the comparison committee in accordance with the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (No. 5) 2541 Article 14

Stipulates that for offenses under Article 77 of the Immigration Law B.E. 2522, if the offender surrenders or appears with a warrant before the investigating officer or the comparison officer, a fine of not less than 800 baht shall be imposed. However, if the offender is arrested for an offense under any circumstances, the investigating officer or managing officer shall impose a fine of not less than 1,600 baht.

If the offender is the manager of a hotel and surrenders or reports in accordance with a warrant issued before the investigating officer or the comparison officer, a fine of not less than 4,000 baht shall be imposed. However, if the offender is arrested for an offense under any circumstances, the investigating officer or managing officer shall impose a fine of not less than 8,000 baht.

For further information, please contact 0-2141-788 or contact the Foreign national residing notification office, Division 2, Immigration office 1, Immigration Bureau 120 Moo 3, Chaeng Watthana Road, 7th Lane, Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Lak Si District, Bangkok 10210.

What are the consequences of not registering your TM 30?

There are many articles on Landlord notification receipt TM30 registration. Any foreigner arriving in Thailand must submit a TM30 report within 24 hours of entering the country if they hold a non-immigrant visa:

➤ If the foreigner fails to do so within 24 hours, they will be fined 800 baht. These fines can range from 800 baht to 2,000 baht in certain circumstances. Hotel managers must pay a fine of 2,000 baht to 10,000 baht
➤ In the case of a non-immigrant who does not declare his or her TM 30 and wishes to obtain an extension or renewal of his or her visa due to employment, retirement, spouse, or any other reason, the immigration office may deny the visa extension or renewal
➤ Please also note that the Chamchuree Service Center, which is responsible for visas and work permits for BOI applicants, Smart Visas, Elite cards and work permit holders for companies with a minimum registered capital of 30 million baht, does not require proof of TM 30 registration. However, they must still report the presence of non-immigrants/foreigners using the TM 30 form
➤ Non-immigrants who leave the country for any reason on a single trip, multiple entry visa or re-entry permit must report their stay in Thailand using the TM 30 form each time they return to the Kingdom. They must inform their house owner or landlord that they are back in Thailand

“Embarrassing situations” have occurred in the following circumstances:

➤ The person responsible for notifying the presence abroad of a non-immigrant sometimes does not want to proceed. In this situation, the non-immigrant has no choice but to move to another home. The non-immigrant can pay the 800 baht penalty on behalf of the landlord and make the declaration in person
➤ It is also possible that the party responsible for registering the non-immigrant is out of the country or that the documents needed for the procedure are insufficient. In this situation, it may be necessary to find another place of residence for the foreigner, or the foreigner may bring the missing documents. In case of late notification, the foreigner may have to pay a fine
➤ In other cases, the nonimmigrant has declared his or her stay once but has not provided further declarations for any foreign trips he or she may have taken. He will have to pay several fines. The nonimmigrant will have to proceed and pay the full amount, for example, to obtain a visa renewal

The Immigration Act of 1979 also requires the registration of domestic travel for non-immigrants currently in Thailand. These specifications are as follows:

➤ If a non-immigrant moves from a previously registered location to another location, he or she must report the new location to the Immigration Office within 24 hours
➤ If the non-immigrant moves from one location in the province to another province for more than 24 hours, they must report to the nearest police station within 48 hours of arrival

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