HomeCompany secretaryChange company address

Learn more about Change Company Address

Whether you are looking to move the current location of your company‘s registered address to another site, or to register the addition of a branch office, Themis Partner will help you prepare the necessary documents to contact the government officials with whom your company has been registered. When changing the address of a Thai company, there are two procedures. One is where you upgrade the company address to another address in the province. The other procedure is where the company address is moved to another province in Thailand. If the company’s address is moved from one province to another, a shareholders‘ meeting must be called to approve this change of location.

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How to change company address in Thailand?

When you change the business address to another address in the same province, it is much easier and faster. Unless the address is in the same area, the newspaper does not have to advertise it. All you have to do is provide all the necessary documents for quick service.

If you wish to change your company’s address, you will find below the different steps to make this change:

➤ Book a corporate address and order a new business seal
➤ Publish in a local newspaper a notice requesting a shareholder meeting. The notification must be sent to all shareholders by registered mail
➤ After the conference, it is officially agreed to change the address of the company. The move will be further recorded in government forms that will be reported with DBD from the date of the meeting, usually in two weeks

What are the documents to change company address?

The conditions for transition would vary depending on where the new company headquarters is located. When the business moves to the same area, the development is not reported in the newspaper; the address is changed via an application sent to the authorities. The transition must be announced because the new address is located in another province, and the process will take longer. When submitting the request, the company owners will need to provide proof that the new address has been publicly advertised and that the change has been notified to the shareholders. The bank would need to be told of those changes when updating the company address.

Before the revenue department:

➤ VAT registration amendment form (Porpor.09)
➤ VAT (Porpor.20) (Original and one copy)
➤ 3 Copies of Registration of VAT (Porpor.01)
➤ Copy of a director's passport or identity card and house registration
➤ Company affidavit (full set) and business records revised from the DBD when the amendments are registered
➤ 3 copies of a Director's identity card (Thai nationality)
➤ 3 Exemplary (if foreign) Passport
➤ 2 Copies of Registration of Director(s) in the House
➤ 2 copies initial VAT certificate (PP.20)
➤ 2 copies of an original PP.01, PP09
➤ Tax first. Photographs of an ID card 2
➤ Copy of the Tabien Baan (household certificate) office building
➤ Copy of an Office Building Owner's Letter of Consent to the company
➤ Proof of Office Building ownership including building license, house sale agreement, and house number submission
➤ Copy of records relating to the business held by Office Building, including a copy of the Affidavit Business, a copy of the Thai I.D. Card and the Director's Household Certificate
➤ 3 copies of a map showing Office Building location
➤ 2 sets of workplace photos with the latest Office Building No. and the company's signboard

What is the procedure to change in the same province?

This is pretty much cheaper and faster. You don’t have to announce the transfer of your business into the newspaper, correct the necessary documents. To change the company address, the applicant must issue the documents required before the Business Development Department in Thailand, and the Revenue Department.

What is the procedure to change to another province?

Change company address must be published in newspapers or other media. The process would take about three weeks if the documents were completed correctly. These items should be secured with the documents:

➤ Evidence of local Thai newspaper ads about a change of address
➤ Proof of letter to shareholders to arrange a meeting to notify them of the change in address
➤ Plan and draft a minute of the meeting to confirm an address for the changing business

If you are required to benefit from our shareholder meeting documents, please note that we provide the shareholder meeting to change your company address free of charge. Please refer to our page about minutes of meeting.

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